Childlike Faith
July 7, 2023| Papa God & Denae Roth
How do I come? Pictures of little children leaping through a sea of wildflowers exploded in my mind as if the bright yellow and black bees couldn't touch them. They're invincible. Do I come like that? I don't think so. Why? Why is it so hard to be free? Jesus said to come like a child, if I'm not like that crazy four-year-old, I've lost what matters, forgotten who my Jesus is, and escaped into a box. Any child under the age of 5 knows. Knows what? They know that their irresistible smile and those adorable puppy eyes get them their heart desires. It's not a question in their mind, no isn't in their vocabulary. They don't hope they know. But I tell myself they have never experienced the world, that's why. Do you expect me to come as a child God? Surely not. I've seen the trauma of the world tasted rejection, fear, and loneliness. Do you want me to just forget it? Because as hard as I try the pain will forever leave a mark on my mind and fear easily winds its way into my heart. But what if? What if I could be a child? A smile exploded across my face. Wouldn't that be fun! Stomping up to my mom I want this, I want that, NOW! Understanding turned on like a bright light bulb in my brain. I can be a child. Poof, of course! Jesus's point is authority. To come to our Dad believing, not questioning as hopeless, lost orphans, we have been CHOSEN. I don't have to run around like a maniac to become a child, it's the posture of my heart, an invitation for my soul. To leap without a care in my father's arms, to sing silly songs because He is near and to confidently believe in the God of miracles. I can do that! The Jesus living in me can do that! What if's disappear, and hoplessness fades. I know. I know who my God is and what He has done, I know who I am because of His love. I know I am free because of His blood. I know I'm a child of God! A daughter of the King and I walk fully excepted in a world marked with rejection. Some days I falter, my confident childlike faith fading into pools of broken tears, but still my Papa holds me. It's all a part of being a child. They know they leap, they fall, they cry. My Father embraces my failures and faults, it's all a part of being His child. I'm a princess a beloved daughter and I am free in my identity because my Father is the king of the universe. I come as a child.